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Germany: Metaverse and Taxes (Ger)

Steuerrecht und Metaverse – mit welchen steuerlichen Herausforderungen sind Unternehmen in der virtuellen Welt konfrontiert? – OppenhoffTax law and the metaverse – what tax challenges do companies face in the virtual world? – Oppenhoff 0
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US: CFTC settles Enforcement Actions against Developers of DeFi Protocols

CFTC Settles Enforcement Actions Against Developers of DeFi Protocols | Find Know DoCFTC Crackdown: Three DeFi Platforms Face Enforcement Actions (mwe.com)CFTC Lays Claim to DeFi Regulation – Blockchain (bakermckenzie.com) CFTC Settles Enforcement Actions Against Developers of DeFi Protocols | Find Know DoCFTC Crackdown: Three DeFi Platforms Face Enforcement...
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Education: Traditional Economic Models and Asset Valuation in the Metaverse

A-Question-Of-Value-Assets-In-The-Metaverse-June-2023.pdf (thinkbrg.com)media.thinkbrg.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/15114104/Valuing-Real-Estate-in-the-Metaverse_April2024.pdf See also:Conduct of financial institutions regime (buddlefindlay.com)insights.alixpartners.com/post/102j4jm/konformitat-mit-gesetzlichen-und-regulatorischen-anforderungen-als-treiber-von-un 0
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