US: 36 States have enacted Pass-Through Entity Tax Laws enabling Owners of S Corporations and Partnerships to avoid the annual Limit Deductibility of State Taxes

Did you know 36 states have enacted PTE tax laws to enable owners of partnerships and s corporations to avoid the $10,000 annual limit on the deductibility of state taxes? | Taft Tax Insights£ 0
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Singapore: Central Bank releases Regulatory Framework for Stablecoins

Monetary Authority of Singapore Finalises Stablecoin Regulatory Framework – Publications ( & Tann LLP, Singapore | Singapore Law Firm | Lawyers who know asia ( Finalises New Stablecoin Regulatory Framework | Global Fintech & Digital Assets Blog ( Publishes Response to Public Consultation on Proposed Regulatory Approach for...
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Macau: Amendment to the Financial System Act

Amendment to the Macau Financial System Act | C&C Lawyers & Notaries ( no. 32/93/M ( See 0
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US: Federal Reserve announces supervisory Developments for Dollar Tokens and ‘Novel Activities’ – What’s new?

Federal Reserve Announces Supervisory Developments for Dollar Tokens and ‘Novel Activities’ – But What’s New? – All Things FinReg ( Issues Guidance to Banks Undertaking Novel Activities | Find Know DoFed Establishes Novel Activities Supervision Program – Cabinet News & Views ( Fed’s Novel Activities Supervision Program |...
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