Home » Posts taggedRegulatory (Page 43)

US: IRS confirms Staking Rewards are Income

www.findknowdo.com/news/08/01/2023/analysis-irs-confirms-staking-rewards-are-incomeDigital Asset Stakers: IRS Rules Certain Staking Rewards Are Taxable Income – Publications (morganlewis.com)Taxpayers Must Include Staking Rewards in Gross Income (mwe.com)IRS Releases Guidance on Cryptocurrency ‘Staking’ Rewards // Cooley // Global Law FirmIRS Issues Revenue Ruling 2023-14 on Staking | Fenwick & West LLPIRS Clarifies Taxation of...
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Spain: Crypto-Assets Regulation and MiCAR

Crypto-assets regulation in Spain and MiCAR – Osborne Clarke | Osborne Clarkewww.osborneclarke.com/insights/classification-crypto-assets-key-aspects-consider Update:www.garrigues.com/es_ES/noticia/cnmv-resuelve-dudas-criptoactivos-documento-preguntas-respuestas 0
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